I'm doing this project for the Princess' birthday- I'll get a couple pictures in this dress on her big day, then she'll wear it again at her party. I'm basing it on a set of 4 shirts that she received as a baby gift, saying 3 (months), 6 (months), 9 (months), and 1 (year). The months/year part was hard to read, so it looked like they said 3, 6, 9, and 1. She didn't wear them very often, but the 1 shirt was great for her birthday- and looks great in pictures from her party!
So, based on that shirt is coming a "2" dress.
The fabric is cut:
I printed out my design, traced it onto my fabric, and cut it out (leaving a seam allowance). Then I pinned my design to the fabric:
The printed "2" and the fabric I've chosen:
A rough estimate of how the final product will look:
And now- just for fun- pictures of my ancient iron and sewing machine. Because I know you want to see them!
No annoying auto-shutoff feature on this baby!
I started sewing the applique last night, and it doesn't look terrible. Not fantastic, but certainly fine for a first attempt. I think I may run it under the sewing machine when I'm finished, just to make sure that the circle isn't going anywhere- this will be worn by a toddler!
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Blondie spoke... now you speak.
It's nice taking turns.
Have a great day!